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It was for the lulz you mucking foron
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Explain more............because I don't know the whole story..........
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JESUS H CHRIST, Nicholaus try and pay attention!
Gunbitch posted HSJ's pic on his forum asking "If you looked like this woulkd you kill youself?"
TheHSJ **allegedly** makes a lot of money online....and so he wanted to fuck with Gunbitch and had his lawyers send a letter telling Gunbitch to take it down
I laughed
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It wasn't about the picture, in fact HSJ posted another picture of himself here right after Gunwitch took the picture down.
He just taught Gunwitch a little lesson.
"a lesson"?
I got an email from him. I removed the pics instantly and posted about his crying over them in order to expose him as the title says as a hypocrite.
The guys fuckin 15 years old and he has a lawyer and files international lawsuits? That's rich.
I mean hey I get it, this is the graveyard of failed the failed PUA, guys without the balls to try to fuck chicks, and as well the "failed to get on Barrys show" or get any respect from Barry anger forum.
But at least some of you are funny, witty, can troll, aren't useless wastes of human terd processing in a skin bag etc.
HJS has none of that, the guy hasn't fuckin learned to wipe his own ass yet, and makes claims bigger than Papa ever did, and is what 16?
Hey douche on me and puas and anyone all ya want. But unless ya are just a bias little clanish bitch hoping to have "another one of us", ya gotta see hjs is just as much a douchebag, hell WAY MORE of one than anyone ya douche on here.
The guy is every pick up guru rolled in to one douche traits wise, with no redeeming quality of any sort. If you can't see that you are blinded by hatred of either myself or Barry, to such an extent that you are a douche also for being so obsessed with us, that you are not being able to identify a loser in your own midst.
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Hey Gun, I actually like you for the most part. I probably don't agree with half the shit you say, but I still think your podcast is pretty entertaining(unless Yuriy is on). lol
But how can you defend people who call themselves "PUAs?" I know you haven't met with a lot of gurus personally, at least, that's what they say. So maybe you don't have an accurate depiction of what these guys are like. But dude, here's what a PUA is..... not the dictionary definition(Pickup Artist)....... but here's what they are in REAL life:
Keep in mind, I'm not just talking about the guys who sell products. I'm talking about your average lair and community dude who call themselves "PUAs." Regretfully, I HAVE met with some of these dudes, so I know what they are like in their personal life:
and lastly(this goes without saying)
And that's just off the top of my head. If I really thought about it, I could come up with twice as many negatives. And the positives? Eh, it varies. But most of the time not nearly enough to redeem them.
Man, calling someone a failed PUA is actually pretty nice. I'd love it if you called me that. Probably one of the nicest comments a person can be given.
Basically, they way you're talking is a "PUA" is something that should be striven towards. But that couldn't be further from the truth, man. At the first sight of this scene, one should run in the opposite direction and never look back. Everything (good) that this scene can possibly teach you, can be learned through other healthier activities in life. The plus side is some guy selling an ebook isn't making a buck off you for useless nonsense to fill your head with.
And I can't speak for everyone here, but I think a lot of our points of pride is that we HAVE broken away from the scene, and are better because of it. You study how to pick up chicks, get so-so results. You realize all the crap "gurus" are filling your head with is nonsense. You say "fuck this," and "results" get better then they ever were while you were in the scene. Funny how that works.
Don't have the balls to try to fuck chicks? You know this HOW? You seem to think that posting on a forum= no chicks. Bro, last time I checked, you're posting here too and even own your own forum. Oh that's right though, you have an ebook.
Most of us are probably guys who dislike the community(for mostly valid reasons) and have a warped sense of humor while we're on the internet. Not because, "ZOMG WE FAILLED TO BEE POOH-AH MASTAR!!" You're smart, I would've figured you could've put this together.
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Stop now and count how many other people are being douched on in other threads. You and Barry are now just
of the other lump of douche bags to make fun of since you two hypocrites separated yourselves from this forum.
Your podcasts and forums are epic failures. Both of you guys don't have nearly as many fans as you thought you had, or thought you'd get.
I think
are a little too obsessed about what goes on here.
Lets not forget fucking women isn't a bad thing just because one can't do it.
PUA doesn't mean Jersey Shore acting wanna be cool guy. To me at least, but then yeah I ain't living in LA hanging out with fuckin Tim Nutter or Vince kelvin or whatever the fuck.
I see a general angry attitude about getting laid here, not "pua" or "pick up scene". That is what gives me a big "WTF?" about many who frequent this place.
It isn't the "we don't like Barry and Gun", that makes me wonder what the fuck this place is really all about, it is the "fucking women is lame" attitude.
Yeah the scene always has been, and always will be peopled by a bunch of fuckin cornflakes. But fucking chicks isn't wrong, unless ya have castrated yourself with pills because you have mental problems like Nicholaus ("no need to learn pick up, just take paxil"), or are a closet gay etc.
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blah blah blah
where the pics?
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You're running out of stuff to say. I think even you got bored halfway through this post.
Srsly...get out of the house, get a job, make some real friends, fuck sum women, and maybe you can salvage your life. You've been doing the forums thing for too long
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1: because I never posted Barry's pictures myself.
2: I didn't do it because I have problems with it, I did it because it's fun to fuck with them.
3: I never posted a picture of Barry or Barry's GF with a hatefull message attached.
but mostly, its for fucking with them.
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It's about the method not the marketing. My guys get laid rather than spend time praising my photo albums, like half these other gurus students just talk about how awesome they think their object of fan worship is and never leave their fuckin house.
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Who the hell are your guys? I have never heard about the Gunwitch Method in mainstream community before Barry Kirkey started talking about you.
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you've never heard it before because u are "in the community"not for a long time.
back in the days(Maniac High times..at least for me when i discover "the community") it was the gunwitch method on the fastseduction and ppl were talking about it and so on....
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So Gunwitch lives in the past. Figures.
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You probably couldn't read yet when I fuckin wrote GWM1. It completely changed the community. I ain't being a dick here, I am serious you were probably in grade school still. I was probably losing my virginity about the time you were born. You are what 18 now?
I know you are so fuckin bias and "in hate" with me you would never even attempt to see the truth of it, but I am one of the most important people in this entire field and opened the door to non speed seduction worship community wide.
Maybe you were never in the REAL community at fastseduction, and only read rsd nation shit, where yes as a matter of fact you can't type "gunwitch" it is censored.
But even now I am everywhere on fast seduction. Again you are too bias to see the truth cause you are a fuckin stupid fat little ugly oaf.
If I had never existed it would matter to tens of thousands of people. If you hadn't no one would care.
That isn't douching, or even trolling, that is real fact. Think about that a little.
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I'm twenty years old, and I don't care. You aren't big in the scene anymore, and we live in the present, not the past, not the future.
Not that I care, to be fair. I stopped caring about the scene altogether a while ago, it's just hilarious to see you get worked up on every little thing I say. Now you're gonna say:"I dont care, I like to blaadiebladiebla" because you can't face the truth that you're a howeveroldyouare loser living with his mom and hiding on the internet because you once 'ruled' now doesn't care about you anymore.
Also, you're a rapist.